Border Towns played a full run at the Mainstage at HERE Arts Center in September 2010
From their brochure: “A collision of recordings from the borders. Yodels, anthems, ambient sounds & fringe broadcasts are layered in perfect lockstep with seven performers. With myopic precision, musical Americana is reconstructed one town at a time.”
“[Brooke] intricately mashes up a dense collection of familiar and obscure musical quotations along with commonplace noises to make a fascinating score. It’s hard to not be impressed by Mr. Brooke’s meticulousness… Like Mr. Dylan himself, this show proves that you can be completely derivative and original at the same time.” —New York Times
“haunting and beautiful.” – Andy Horwitz, Culturebot
“The evening is carried by ballsiness and showmanship” – David Johnston, NYTheatre.com
“had me enthralled the whole time” – CWBS | The City Life